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Too Hot for Wheatens

Mama took me (Willow the Wheaten) and little brother, Casey (Standard Poodle) for a walk..it was too hot for us…I’m so glad when she let me lay in a field of buttercups!  I couldn’t stop panting so we walked through the park and I got to do my second-favorite thing- puddle surfing!  Man, I can’t wait for that cold, white fluffy stuff to fall again…I think we only got to play in that stuff once these past few months….oh well, Daddy put in that noisy machine in the window so I can feel cool…that’ll have to do for now…

Wheaten in flowers

Chillin’ with the buttercups

Willow drinks at the park

Willow surfs a puddle

Casey and Willow...hot walk
Dog-gone hot!!

Comments on: "Too Hot for Wheatens" (2)

  1. Poor baby Willow, hope you are chillin out tonight….we just had a thunderstorm go through here so it’s a bit cooler now…Scully sending you kisses!

  2. Thank you Scully Bro, you are such a sweetie. I am chillin’ in the house with crazy Casey who keeps squeaking cause he see squirrels…little brothers can be so irritating!

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